Terms of use and privacy policy in the "KALTIME" application

1. General

1.1 Welcome to the “KALTIME” application (hereinafter: “the application”).

1.2. The application is owned by Jacob Rabinovitch (hereinafter: “the owner”) and any use of it by you is subject to the provisions of the regulations. The application is intended for your use, subject to the terms of the regulations.

1.3. The terms of use and the privacy policy attached to this document (collectively referred to as: the “Regulations”) apply to all uses the digital services offered in the application and/or through it by virtue of a contract The owner with service providers and/or corporations as they may be from time to time (hereinafter: “the service providers” or “The business owner” (and by virtue of using the application and/or in connection with the service offered in the application by The service providers to their regular or occasional customers (hereinafter: “the user” “you”.

1.4 In the absence of agreement to any of the conditions contained in the regulations, all or part of them, you must immediately refrain from make any use of the application and/or the application services.

1.5 When you choose to make any use of the application, the contents included in it and the various services available through it or offered by it, you agree to the terms and conditions in full, including your obligation act according to them and therefore you are requested to read these conditions carefully. For the avoidance of doubt every user In the application whether it is the service providers and/or their customers and/or any third party the user The application is subject to the terms of the regulations.

1.6 The owner reserves the right to change, delete and/or add to the terms and conditions from time to time at any time at its sole discretion and without obligation to provide advance or retrospective notice. Your use of the application after the date on which these terms changed, that is, after making additions and/or changes, indicates your agreement to these changes and acceptance of the updated version of the regulations.
1.7. If you are under the age of 11, you are not authorized to use this application or perform any activity in it without Your parents’ consent. By clicking “I agree”, you confirm that your parents have read and agree to the terms of the regulations.
1.8 The terms of the regulations apply to the application and/or parts of it and to its use and the contents contained therein, including designs, source code, software modules and contents and/or products and/or any services of The application and/or that the application enables their accessibility and/or download, including consumption, performance Payments and/or debts towards the service providers through and/or through the application and/or through Transferring payments for settlement by a third-party company, viewing and/or accessing the contents included therein and the services offered therein, among other things, scheduling appointments, whether using a home computer, a laptop, Mobile device, tablet and/or any computer and/or other communication device through which access is possible to the application through any configuration and through any suitable operating system and they are an integral part separate from them and the function of the application and/or services offered in it and/or through it, in exchange or not in exchange (hereinafter collectively and separately: “the services”).
1.9. Arranging any licenses for the purpose of using the application (such as a driver’s license, a business license, a license to engage in mediation, etc.), as well as insurance of any kind, tax payments and expenses and the regulation of Other matters arising from the provisions of the law for the purpose of carrying out business or other activities through This application is your sole responsibility.
1.10 The use of any information, products and/or services through the application and in general under your sole responsibility and subject to the provisions of these regulations.
1.11 The owner will be entitled to act by suspending, blocking and/or taking any action, legal or Otherwise, against any service provider and/or user who violates the regulations.
1.12. You hereby expressly agree that the owner is completely exempt from any liability, damage or inconvenience to you or to others, regarding any aspect of using the application and/or the products/services provided through the application or provided to you through it and you take all responsibility for this on yourself only and it is your responsibility to perform all the necessary tests.
1.13. The headings of the sections in these terms of use are intended for convenience only, and no meaning should be attributed to them any in their interpretation.
1.14 Any use of these regulations in the masculine or feminine language is for convenience purposes only, and the reference It is for both women and men. Likewise, any appeal to the individual also means an appeal to the many and vice versa.


2. Terms of use

2.1 The terms of use are intended to clarify what the terms are that apply to anyone who has made, is making and/or will make use in the app.

2.2 In the terms of use, the term “content” includes any service, product, source code, software module, software application, text, photograph, image, design, illustration, map, sound clip, video clip, graphic, phrase, creation, knowledge or other information, in whole and/or in part, presented in the application and/or used for planning/characterization and/or fed to it and/or included in it and/or addressed to it/from it, and this by any means of communication and/or connection, whether paid or unpaid, by you and/or any third party, as well as any property rights Intellectual property, including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks, copyrights and moral rights, relating to to those of them.

2.3 The provisions of the terms of use are cumulative and/or alternative and/or supplementary, according to the matter and the context.
2.4. Changes, updates, additions, deletions may be applied from time to time in the instructions of the terms of use, according to The absolute and exclusive discretion of the owner, about which a notice will be published. If you wish to continue To make use of this application, you will be deemed to agree to the amended terms, i.e., continue The use of the application after the publication of an updated version of the regulation or a part of it constitutes consent of the user and/or service providers to its content.

3. The access to the application

3.1 The owner reserves the right to allow or disallow use of the application at any time, as well as to change and/or stop doing so, all at his sole discretion.

3.2 The owner may permit or limit or prohibit the access of the service providers and/or the user to the application at any time at its sole discretion and reserves the sole right to change or Stop the operation of the application, in whole or in part, at any time and without giving notice, as required In the appropriate circumstances, and without the service providers and/or the user having any claim, right and/or A claim about it.

3.3. You confirm and agree that the owner will not be liable to you or to a third party, for blocking Your access to the application. Blocking your access to the application will not change and/or eliminate any liability that will arise as a result of your use of it, whether such obligation is towards the owner, or towards you third parties.

3.4 Access to the application or part of it, and the possibility to perform certain actions, may be possible to certain users but will be limited to other users, for one reason or another, or not will be possible at all and/or will involve assigning a username and/or password and/or will be conditional on filling Questionnaire and/or delivery of personal details, all at the absolute and sole discretion of the owner or According to the agreement between the owner and the service providers.

3.5 The owner will be entitled to condition the entry and/or use of the application, in whole or in part, in the registration and/or for payment, and without the user or the service providers having any claim, right and/or claim in connection for that. Registration and use of the service can only be done using an Israeli phone number.

3.6 The owner may begin to demand the above, without prior notice, or add to demand it, or to stop demanding this, or to do so from time to time, without prior notice, and at his discretion The absolute and exclusive.

3.7. The owner will be entitled to disconnect or temporarily limit the service if this is required in order to carry out operations System maintenance or upgrade. It is clarified that the owner does not have any obligation to provide support, Maintenance, upgrades, changes or new versions of the Application.

3.8 The owner reserves the right to operate access methods, search means and/or search engines in the application, which will allow access to certain contents in the application or part of it according to choice the owner, as well as change and/or stop doing so, all at his sole discretion.

4. Use of information provided

4.1. If you provided an email address, you hereby agree to receive messages to the email address The same message for different needs, including advertisements, invitations, offers, messages and commercial messages any kind. You may request to stop sending such messages in accordance with the provisions of any law.

4.2 By using the application, you hereby agree to the collection and tracking of data, information, content, Your actions and usage habits and these will be used for various needs, including commercial and marketing.

4.3 The owner may collect and make use of the information provided by the user at the time of registration and/or In the information accumulated about the user, including during the use of the application for the purposes of the subscriptions in this regulation as well as in order to improve, enrich or change (including changing the appearance of the displayed application). to the user (the application, the services and content offered in the application as well as in order to update the user and/or service providers regarding various services offered by the owner and/or whoever on his behalf or related to him in business, including the service providers.

4.4 The application may activate automatic tools for the purpose of characterizing the uses of the application, if necessary Operation and optimization of the application’s activity or its adjustment to the user’s preferences. These tools may collect and keep general and de-identified information about you and how you use the application, among other things, Also the details of your internet service provider, your internet protocol address (IP address) and name The premises for the purpose of accessing the application, the location of the device used to access the application, temporary and how you use the application, your browser type and other statistical details that indicate how The use of the application and services through it.

5. The types of content in the application

5.1 The owner reserves the right to choose whether and which contents will appear and/or be published, or will stop/continue to appear and/or be published in the application, or will appear/be published from time to time, everything at his sole and absolute discretion, and according to his commercial needs, and without prior notice or update In retrospect.

5.2 The owner may change, add, subtract, delete and update from time to time the contents of the application and/or The appearance of the application and/or the way it is activated and/or the way it is used and/or products and/or services included therein, without prior notice and at his sole discretion.

5.3 The owner reserves the right to include in the application contents that constitute his and/or his advertisements others and/or any other commercial content (hereinafter: “advertisements”).

5.4 Images, illustrations and simulations that appear in the application are for illustration purposes only, and are not binding you are the owner

5.5 The advertisements that will appear in the application and/or that will be sent to its users are the full responsibility of and the exclusive of the advertisers.

5.6 The contents of the application may contain errors, including dates, prices, payment terms and more, And the owner retains his right to correct any such error at any time at his discretion without it being imposed on him Any liability of any kind, contractual and/or tortious and/or otherwise.

6. The availability of the application and the contents of the application

6.1. You confirm that there may be such and such malfunctions, arising from such and such reasons, which may prevent the access and/or use of the application, or burden them, including due to communication difficulties and/or for maintenance and/or other reasons, and the use of the application may be interrupted and/or stopped without notice completion and/or saving and it is possible that the application will crash and it will not be possible to use it. The owner will be exempt from any responsibility for this and it will not be possible to come to the owner with any claim and/or complaint and/or lawsuit in relation to that. You must save in advance any information that you intend to use or enter into the application on in order not to lose the information.

6.2 The owner makes great efforts to provide a high-quality and safe user experience in the application. Yet The application is not immune to failures and/or problems and you may not have access to the application from time to time at any time for any reason.

6.3 The owner does not guarantee that it will be possible to use the application without errors, interruptions or delays, which may be the responsibility of the service providers. Without prejudice to the above, the owner does not commit so that the use of the application will be uninterrupted and/or immune from illegal access, available at all times, free from errors and/or viruses or to suit your requirements or any defects or deficiencies The application will be corrected and the owner will not be responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, emotional distress, etc. be caused to you or acquired as a result.

6.4 The terms of purchase and delivery of the services and/or products are a transaction between the user and the provider the services, the owner has no part or influence on the terms of the transaction and is not a party to the transaction between you.

6.5 The owner is not and will not be responsible, directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly, for the availability, truthfulness, Reliability and/or degree of accuracy of the contents of the application or services provided or offered through it, In particular if it is third party content and/or data presented on behalf of various business owners and/or External corporations and/or service providers. Any reliance by you on content displayed in the application or Through it and/or to the services offered through the application is your full responsibility.

6.6 It is clarified that the owner is not the owner of the business and/or the operator of the business and/or the manager of the business that advertises any The services that can be ordered through the application and all that is implied.

6.7. You confirm that you know that the owner does not sell or provide the products or services offered in the app. These products or services are the sole responsibility of the service providers offering them. The owner will not bear any responsibility whether direct or indirect for the products or services offered in the application, their receipt, their nature, their use, or for any damage that may be caused as a result of use in products or services.

6.8 The owner is not responsible for inaccuracies and/or mistakes made in relation to the content and/or in relation to the services offered through the application or to the data displayed through it. The purpose of the service is to connect between the user and the service providers and allow appointments to be made and payments to be made, to the extent possible This option exists, in accordance with the regulations. The owner hereby clarifies that the contained content in the application is for general and informative purposes only and for your convenience only, and does not constitute Recommendation and/or opinion regarding the service provider. Does not include any business owner and/or service in the application to constitute a recommendation of the owner and/or someone on his behalf in relation to that business owner and/or the same activity and/or adapting it to the user’s needs. Any reliance on statements, expressions of position, Advice or any other content presented in the application is made at your discretion and sole responsibility. You must perform all assessments and tests yourself regarding a service or payment or other data presented in the context to the Services, and you waive and will be precluded from raising against the owner any claim regarding any reliance whatsoever on him.

6.9. You may use the application, the services through it and the content available through it for private purposes and personal and non-commercial only. The content of the application cannot be used as a basis for acceptance financial, legal, personal and/or other decisions on your part, and any action taken by you based on Content in the application is your sole responsibility and at your sole discretion.

6.10. Any content and/or data and/or information presented in the application in connection with service providers and/or for corporations, which originate from third parties, including amounts, estimates or proposals, indices, Calculations, results, specifications, operating instructions and other data on behalf of or based on party data Third, are provided by the third party and are not the owner’s responsibility in any way.

7. Device function

7.1 Without detracting from the above, you confirm that you know that in some cases the usability of The application depends on the proper functioning of your smartphone device and components included in it such as Bluetooth, GPS and more, whose quality, inaccuracy, disruption and malfunctions may interfere for your experience using the application. The owner will be exempt from any responsibility for this.

7.2 It is clarified that the application consumes memory resources, data traffic and technical performance from the device on it It is installed. The owner does not guarantee that the application will work on old devices that do not support it in advanced technologies. The owner is not responsible in any way for the correctness of the application and its compatibility with the device you have.

7.3. Your attention that the quality of the service, its continuity and its existence are not guaranteed, and are affected, among other things from factors beyond the owner’s control, including malfunctions in other systems related to the operation the application, faults in the power grid, in the availability of your internet network or other faults that are not Faults in the service source. In order to enjoy the services of the application, it is your responsibility to ensure a continuous connection and fast to the Internet in order to consume the contents of the application in an optimal way.

8.Payments which can be made through the app

8.1 Prices in the application, to the extent that there are any, are correct at the time of their presentation, and may be updated and change from time to time at the sole discretion of the owner and/or at the discretion of the advertisers and/or the service providers.

8.2 The owner will not be responsible for any payments, expenses, fees, etc. charged by the service providers In connection with setting the appointment and/or canceling it either in general or at certain times.

8.3 In order to eliminate doubt, disruption and/or malfunction and/or failure in receiving credit information for the purpose of making payments in or through the application, including disruption of registration to make payment for the service and/or receiving payment or means of payment, will not constitute grounds for any claim and/or claim on the part of the user of the application and/or providers The service towards the owner.

8.4 In the event that the payment to the service provider will be made by credit card through the application, after The payment confirmation at the time the service is provided will be sent to the email address you provided at the time The opening of the aforementioned account, as far as you have provided, or by manual delivery by the service provider at the time of provision The service is a receipt for payment and everything is in accordance with the terms of the contract with the service provider. on condition Using these, “credit card” means as stated in the Debit Card Law, 6891-5556, except Direct credit card, prepaid credit card and/or any other prepaid card.

9. Data Security

9.1 The owner works to secure the application, including the information displayed in it, accessible through it or delivered Through it, with all the reasonable and accepted security measures, including the information entered in the application system in the hands of the application user.

9.2 Also, the owner takes reasonable measures to protect the application and hardware and software components related to its operation, among other things, to protect the application and its software from intrusions, loopholes or Unauthorized wiretapping.

9.3 The owner does everything he can to protect the confidentiality of the data provided by users The application, this while taking acceptable precautions and using reasonable security measures and accepted.

9.4.However, the owner cannot commit to hermetic or absolute security, because there will be no intrusion Illegal without permission to the application systems which will lead to disclosure of information to foreign parties and/or unauthorized and/or to the loss of the information. Therefore, it is hereby clarified that the owner will not be responsible and will not bear any responsibility in case of intrusion or hacking and/or any damage caused due to the use in the application and/or in the content presented in it and/or in its accompanying services, by the service providers and/or who On their behalf and/or the user of the application or someone on their behalf and/or any other third party. The service providers and/or The user and/or any other third party releases the owner from any responsibility for any damage to the extent caused by access Unauthorized or unauthorized use of your personal information, if caused.

9.5 Regarding the use and clearing of credit cards from or through the application, this is done through a company External credit clearing, which uses its own methods according to the guidelines of the credit companies the relevance. The owner is not responsible for the activity of the clearing company and/or for the actual use made by it in the credit details.

10. Entering content into the application

10.1 If as part of using the application, searching, ordering products and/or services and/or activity otherwise through the application, the application will allow you to enter any information and/or content, The responsibility for these contents, their meaning and the very act of entering them will apply only to you.

10.2 Without detracting from the above, you must not enter content into the application and/or distribute from it and/or through it any that may harm any person, his good name, his privacy, his property or his rights, and no content should be entered to the application contrary to the provisions of these terms of use and/or the provisions of any law.

10.3 The owner reserves the right to edit, change and even delete such contents. You hereby give your explicit consent to making content changes and/or editing and/or deleting any content entered into the application.

10.4 You have the right to contact the owner and request the deletion of content you have entered into the application and the owner will try to comply with your request, but he does not undertake and/or is obligated to do so.

10.5 The responsibility for any act or omission that is inconsistent with the above is your responsibility only.

11. Links, advertisements and references from the application

11.1 In the application there may be a reference to contents, advertisements and sources that are not under the control and/or supervision of the owner. Therefore, if offensive, immoral, illegal material appears in them, or if it is caused through and/or due to them damage of any kind, then the owner and/or anyone on his behalf does not and will not have any responsibility for so.

11.2 The owner will not bear any responsibility for the commercial content that will be published in the aforementioned application. The sole responsibility for the commercial contents and for any result resulting from their use or reliance It applies to those who advertise them. Publishing commercial content in the application does not constitute a recommendation or encouragement to purchase the services, assets or products offered for sale therein. every transaction which will be done following commercial content published in the application will be agreed upon directly between you the advertiser concerned. The owner is not a party to any such transaction.

12. Ownership rights and intellectual property rights

12.1 Intellectual property rights are protected in Israel and abroad by virtue of the laws of the State of Israel and Art. internationalism.

12.2 The owner respects the ownership rights and intellectual property rights of others, and you must do the same.

12.3 This application and its contents are the exclusive property of the owner of the property rights in them, and are not your property, and there is no make any use of them except subject to these terms of use.

12.4 Unless expressly agreed otherwise in advance in writing, the information and/or property rights must be considered The intellectual property in the application and the content found in it or directly accessible through it, if the owner only and/or as permitted for the owner’s use by third parties, including copyrights, moral rights, Trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade symbols, models, patents, works, Designs, source code and binary code, inventions, trade secrets, concepts, reputation, data Market, technological information, functional information, professional information, commercial and business information, and any information and/or An intellectual property right, whether registered or not, and any equivalent or derivative right for anyone of the above (hereinafter: “intellectual property rights”). Use of intellectual property rights without Express prior written consent from the owner is prohibited and will constitute a violation of the rights of the owner and/or of other additional parties by you.

12.5 Do not use, copy, reproduce, reproduce, process, distribute, display or publish any content from the application or use it for commercial or private purposes, by you or by another on your behalf, without express prior written consent from the owner.

12.6 Third parties with intellectual property rights in content entered into the application without the knowledge of the owner and/or his consent, please contact the owner and/or someone on his behalf and report it to him.

12.7 The owner reserves the right to enforce, remove, change, correct, and prevent any use and/or Entering the application and/or publishing content that infringes his and/or his intellectual property rights third parties, and demand any compensation and/or indemnification from anyone who may implicate himself and/or you The owner is in a situation of possible violation of their rights and/or those of others.

13. Use of the contents of the application

13.1 The application and/or its contents must not be used in any way offensive to any person, his good name, privacy, or his rights, and you must not make any use of the application and/or its contents for incitement, fraud, fraud, Defamation and use that is contrary to these terms of use and/or the provisions of any law, practice, or regulation the public.

13.2. Any use of the application and/or any contents included in it and/or taken from it, are For personal use only, and no other use should be made, including business, marketing or commercial, unless It is better to do so by the owner explicitly, in advance and with a written permit, and in accordance with the conditions of the permit, as mentioned in the body of the application.

13.3 You may not perform any action that will cause and/or create an unreasonable load on the application its servers and systems, and/or any action that may damage the application, its operation, contents and manner presenting them.

13.4 In this rule, and without detracting from the generality of the above, you may not exploit any of the intellectual property rights of the owner and/or a third party without his consent, including, but not limited to, by cutting, copying, saving as a file, reproduction, distribution, processing, reproduction, translation, distribution, publication, storage, deletion, addition, modification, sell, rent, lend, deliver, publicly display, publicly perform, create a derivative work, or in any way Other.

13.5 The person who does so without express permission from the owner, in advance and in writing, to the extent that it is given and subject to its conditions, Risks criminal prosecution and civil proceedings, including injunctions, search, seizure, lawsuits Money, detention of goods, arrest, imprisonment, and any other and/or additional enforcement measures that the owner deems appropriate.

13.6 There is not and will not be a permit given to you by the owner to use any content in the application, If and as much as possible, to detract from the owner’s rights, including ownership rights in general, and property rights The spiritual in particular, and will not be implied by any act or omission of the owner because of consent to the transfer and/or To grant the use of any intellectual property right or other right to the permit holder or another person, unless It was expressly agreed upon, in advance and in writing, and subject to the rights belonging to the owner, or the latter received from third parties, and subject to the provisions of any law.

13.7 Without detracting from the above, “fair use” of a work, as it means in any law, is permitted for the purpose of Self-study, research, criticism, review, journalistic reporting, bringing quotations, teaching and examination by An educational institution, subject to any law in Israel only. In any fair use, credit must be given to the author of the content and to the application. Do not impose any defect in the content, or make any twist or change of form in it, or any other action otherwise offensive, if any of them are intended to harm the honor or name of the creator.

13.8 Failure to comply with any of these limitations may lead to your access to the application being denied and even exposed you to civil and/or criminal liability according to any law.

13.9 In the case where the application is downloaded from an online store of third-party applications (“Distributor”), the use of the application will also be subject to the terms of use of that distributor. You declare that you are not prevented by the terms of use of the distributor and/or by the law from using the application. If You are prohibited from making such a statement You are not allowed to install and/or use the application.

14. Exemption from liability

14.1 The application and the contents included in it and the services provided therein are presented and offered for use in their condition as it is (IS AS) and according to the availability of the application (available as) and you and/or no one will have On your behalf, any claim and/or demand and/or claim against the owner in any matter related to the service, to the application or for its use.

14.2 The owner will not bear any responsibility in relation to the services provided by third party providers The services, including the ordered services, while using the application, including their content, their reliability, accuracy, reliability, as well as any damage, inconvenience, loss or heartache caused to the user, Directly or indirectly.

14.3 The owner will not bear any responsibility, in any case and by virtue of any legal reason whatsoever By virtue of a contractual and/or tortious and/or other reason, towards you or towards any other person for any damage or compensation, Indirect, special, punitive or consequential of any kind related to any use to be made of the application and/or in its applications, and/or to prevent and/or interfere with the use of the application for any reason and shall not be held liable in no way responsible for any claim from any third party.

14.4 The owner will not be responsible for any damage caused and/or may be caused to you and/or to any third party As a result, directly or indirectly, of the use of the application, including damage caused as a result of use in software applications and/or files and/or content that were downloaded directly from the application and/or activated through it as a result of using the application.

14.5 The owner will not bear any responsibility for the contents that will be delivered or entered by you, their legality, reliability, their reliability, accuracy, completeness, computer files that will be attached to them, and for any damage, loss, emotional distress or results, directly or indirectly, to you and/or any third party.

14.6 The owner will not bear any responsibility for any damage due to downloading the application and/or damage resulting from a link contained in the application and for any damage resulting from the presentation or publication of such content in any other way. same as Yes, the full and exclusive responsibility for any link, presentation or publication of the content made by you is You must and hereby undertake to indemnify the owner for any damage caused as a result.

14.7 The owner and/or anyone on his behalf will not be responsible, and will not bear, directly or indirectly, any damage, direct, indirect, consequential or special, financial or otherwise, caused to the business owner and/or user or party any third party due to or as a result of using or relying on information and/or service that appears in the framework The service in the application, including loss of income and/or loss of profit caused for any reason.

14.8 Without detracting from the generality of the above, the owner will not be responsible for any act and/or omission of which services are provided and/or on whose behalf, and the user hereby irrevocably waives all Claim and/or claim against the owner in connection with anything and matter related to the service providers and/or At the service of the business owner.

14.9 The owner does not undertake to save content that you entered into the application, and/or that you downloaded from the application, and the responsibility for saving content by your means, are independent of the owner and/or the application and/or in those related to them, and it is your responsibility only. Saving such content is subject to the provisions of any law and these terms of use.

14.10. You hereby declare that all liability and risk for any damage and/or loss incurred by you due to the use in the application are on you and your sole responsibility, including: accidents, emotional distress, financial aspects and any other damage. It should also be noted that the use of the mobile device while driving is prohibited and dangerous for you and your surroundings.

14.11 For the avoidance of doubt, disruption and/or malfunction and/or failure to receive user information in the application or through it, including disrupting the registration for the application or a related service through it and/or receiving payment or means of payment, will not constitute grounds for any claim and/or claim on the part of the service providers and/or anyone on their behalf and/or The user of the application and/or anyone on his behalf and/or any third party.

14.12 To the extent that the application includes links to external websites that belong to third parties, The links and websites of third parties are provided “as is” without any warranty and/or recommendation of any kind, and the use of said sites will be subject to all restrictions and conditions which are required by said third party.

15. Indemnification

15.1. You undertake to indemnify and compensate the owner and/or anyone on his behalf, immediately upon his demand, for any An act and/or omission caused and/or will be caused to the owner by direct or indirect damage, claim, demand, loss, Loss-profit, payment or expense, including attorney’s fees and legal expenses, whether due to breach of condition the regulations, either due to a violation of the provisions of any law, or due to any claim or claim from any third party as a result of your use of the application.

16. Ending a contract to use the application

16.1 If the owner wants to bring the contract to an end, he will try to notify you by mail Electronic, if provided, on its intention to do so, and in any case may block your access to the application Instantly. In this case, the termination of the engagement will take effect immediately after blocking your access to the application.

16.2 If you wish to bring this engagement to an end, you must notify the owner by email com.gmail@officekaltime as well as to the business 03 (thirty) days in advance in writing. Cancellation notice will be transferred until the 72nd of each month and will be valid for future months only as detailed in s. 61.0 below. It will be clarified that failure to give notice of the termination of the contract as stated in this s. (monthly or annual contract) You will renew the contract automatically and you will not have any claim against it to the owner.

16.3 No retroactive refund of payment will be given. No refund will be given for a payment that has already been made. At the end of the contract to use the application, both a monthly contract and an annual contract, A cancellation fee will apply, that is, the service provider and/or the user and/or any third party will be charged after the user In the paid application for the month following the month of the notification of termination of the contract. from the moment of completion The call will no longer be able to enter the application. Please note: the termination of the engagement may result in for the loss of content and data and the owner will not bear any responsibility regarding this loss for any reason whatsoever.

17. Jurisdiction

17.1 Only the laws of the State of Israel will apply to the regulations and their interpretation, to the use of the application and/or any dispute and/or claim and/or demand and/or request arising from and/or related to the application and/or for its use and/or the regulations, and the place of jurisdiction for any matter as mentioned in these terms of use will be in the authority The competent court in the Central District only. The substantive and procedural law will be Israeli law, This is subject to the owner’s right to take legal action in the courts where the donor’s address is located The service and/or the user and/or his place of business and/or his assets or part of them at the discretion of Owner.

18. Miscellaneous

18.1 These regulations or any of its provisions do not create and will not be interpreted as creating any partnership, enterprise joint, employer-employee, agent or dispatcher relationship between you and the owner or anyone on his behalf in any way.

18.2 If a provision in these regulations is found to be illegal, void or unenforceable for any reason, this provision will be deleted from the regulations and its deletion will not affect the legality and validity of the other conditions. In such a case they will see the existence of Another similar condition will be enforced in place of the deleted or removed condition.

18.3 The terms of this regulation constitute the complete agreement between you and the owner with regard to the manner of use in the application and replace any other understanding and/or agreement, in writing or in writing, relating to use in the application and its contents.

19. Inquiries

We will try to handle appropriate inquiries that come to us from time to time as soon as possible. There are inquiries as mentioned Transfer according to the details below:

Name: KALTIME Customer Service
