Privacy policy for the application "KALTIME"

1. General

1.1 This privacy policy is an integral part of the regulations for the application “KALTIME” below: “The Application”.

1.2 The purpose of the privacy policy is to explain to you, the user, how data is collected about you Using the application, what is the purpose of use and how are they used, if at all.

1.3 ‘Personal information’ means any identifying information about you that you provide as part of your registration or as part of The use of the application, or related and other services offered or activated through the application, as well as any information that will be collected about you as part of using the application. use Personal information about you will only be used in accordance with what is detailed in these regulations or according to legal obligations.

1.4 The application does not collect personally identifiable information about you unless you provide this information on your own initiative When filling out an online form in the application, registering for a personal area or for any service or list, contact etc.

1.5 The provisions of this document shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel only. In the event of a dispute, The place of any legal proceeding will be under the authority of the competent court in the central district, And the relevant beneficiary will discuss it according to the laws of the State of Israel only.

1.6 The instructions of the privacy policy will apply to the application together with changes, updates, additions, or deletions, as will be performed from time to time at the absolute and sole discretion of the owner, In a notice to be published (hereinafter: “the changes”). Continue using the application after these changes will be considered as acceptance of the amended terms, that is, the continued use of the application after publication An updated version of the regulation or part of it constitutes the user’s consent to its content.

2. The privacy policy

2.1 The owner reserves the right to allow access to the application by a registration process or by Registration means provided by third parties such as Facebook and the like.

2.2 In the process of registration, payment, or other input process in the application, you may have to give Personal information and enter details, such as: your first name, your last name, your username, address Your e-mail address, your residential address, your social security number, password, card details Credit or other details as the case may be which are not detailed in the regulations. without giving away the The requested data will not allow you to use the application and receive services that require registration and/or perform the required actions through the application. The data you provide will be kept in the database for the service providers.

2.3 It is possible that as an integral part of a certain registration procedure, or as necessary, and as a condition for the end of a process The registration, for the purpose of identification and/or identity verification, you will be asked to verify your identity according to the information that you provided and through your contact information. There is no such thing as making contact for the purpose of identification or verification to register you on any other distribution list, and this does not constitute any claim on your part Regarding sending mail or making a request contrary to any law.

2.4 When using the application, it is possible to register for the application and/or certain services that are activated through it, will require the use of a text message system (SMS) and/or alerts or internal messages, for the purpose of management, operation, verification, identification, or any other action required for the proper operation of The requested service through your device. For this purpose, your general consent is requested, in advance, with Your consent to these regulations, to use the messaging system on your device and to send you messages Personality or alerts as needed as mentioned.

2.5 When using the website and in particular the application through any mobile device, it is possible to collect and use Information about your location or your traffic route in order to provide you with additional services which may be required for the purpose of managing and/or optimizing and/or providing the application services, or to provide Get information about services tailored to your location.

2.6 The owner may use the information entered by you as stated when registering, making a purchase, registering, When conducting a marketing survey, in one or more of the following cases: .

2.6.1 To personalize your user experience and to enable the service to be provided to you or the product you are interested in, or to process your transactions as quickly as possible and/or for contacting, updating, confirming and/or informing you about any matter and/or related issue for the service requested by you. 

2.6.2 Cultivating and encouraging user loyalty through characteristic analysis, information processing and/or Legal direct mail according to characteristics, conducting analyses, surveys and studies statistical, handling of complaints, inquiries and/or claims as you may be.

2.7 By submitting the information, as requested, you confirm that the transfer of the information through the application or Using it is at your sole risk, of your free will and with your consent, and you will not have any claim and/or a claim against the owner and/or someone on his behalf in the matter.

2.8 Also, to the extent that you provide or upload any personal information through the application, you hereby declare that The information you provide and/or update and/or enter in the application is real, true, reliable and accurate and that you are Submit the information on your behalf and for yourself only, or you are legally authorized to submit this information for another person, and in any case you will be solely responsible for providing this information. You will find out too late Moreover, if there is a change in any of the information provided by you as mentioned above, you will notify it immediately. in particular, Notify as soon as you are informed that the credit card you provided is not valid or there is a restriction any obligation.

2.9 The right of each user to request to review personal details kept about him, and/or correct them. If you wish to exercise one of these rights, you must contact the business owner, or you can contact to the owner according to the contact details in these regulations and he will inform you who the owner of the business is for him Your information is held, and your request will be forwarded to the business owner. Note that your request has actually been answered is the responsibility of the business owner since the owner holds the database for him.

3. Third parties

3.1 The owner will take reasonable and acceptable measures in order to preserve and prevent the transfer of details Personal information that identifies the user by name and/or identity information to third parties with the exception of In the cases detailed below:

3.1.1 at your request or with your consent and/or in order to provide you with a service you requested and/or You signed up for it.

3.1.2 In the event that the transmission of your details is required for the purpose of completing an application and/or application on your behalf and/or Service delivery and/or payment transfer on your behalf.

3.1.3 In the event that you have committed a violation of the terms of this regulation and/or in cases where you have committed or attempted perform an action using the application that is against the regulations or any law.

3.1.4 According to a judicial order or a requirement of an authorized authority according to law or for the purpose of preventing execution offense

3.1.5 In any case where the owner believes that the delivery of the information is necessary in order to prevent serious damage to a person’s property and/or body or in order to prevent other serious damage at his discretion.

3.1.6 In the event that a dispute and/or claim and/or claim and/or demand and/or proceedings arise Legal between you and/or someone on your behalf and the owner and/or someone on his behalf and/or between providers the services.

3.1.7 In the event that the owner makes a change in control in any way, the owner will transfer and/or protest his rights and/or activity to third parties, provided that the latter receive on comply with the provisions of this regulation.

3.2 The above does not detract from the owner’s right to transfer aggregate information to third parties or Information that is not personal or that does not identify the user by name and/or identity details directly or in a reasonable manner or which does not harm the user’s privacy.

4. Inquiries

We will try to handle appropriate inquiries that come to us from time to time as soon as possible. There are inquiries as mentioned Transfer according to the details below:

Name: KALTIME Customer Service